Saturday, May 14, 2005

Declaring War on our Children.

This is the lampost located talking device near the Norden war memorial at the junctionof Edenfield Roaf and Shawfield Lane.

When approached it talks to you. It tells you that this area has Dispersal Notice issued and that more than 2 people congregating could result in legal action being taken.

There is also a CCTV camera offering views up and down (and roundabout) Edenfield Road.

They were installed in early May...Why ?

There have been persistent problems with young people congregating at night in Norden village which results in annoyance, noise, litter and mindless vandalism and damage to cars and public property.

This is ultimately the response of a society which has declared war on it's children.

This is the threadbare, morally bankrupot response of our elected representatives and the authorities to the idle antics of a few schoolchildren.

Re-inforced by the Prime Minister's and Deputy Prime Minister's public denunciation of young people defined by their clothing and obsessed with punishment thse devices, waste money, waste time in endless paperwork and produce zero effect on the children targetted. If anything they merely displace the nuisance and the damage.

It is intended to generate reasoned debate to examine realistic alternatives to this intrusive use of technology.

Plans are developing for a public meeting to be held in Norden.

Meanwhile if you want more information call 01706 861552 or e-mail to receive regular updates.


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