Sunday, May 15, 2005

More Law, Less Order

The government has plans, post - election, to do more about, what the Prime Minister calls, yobbish behaviour and "disrespect".

Home Office minister Ms. Hazel Blears (single and childless) told the Sunday Observer that young offenders could be made to wear uniforms while carrying out community service punishments. "People feel very strongly that they don't often see justice being done." Ms. Blears also said she wanted parents to enforce sensible bedtimes for children and restore "structure" to family life, such as eating meals together.

In a rare spirit of generosity Ms, Blears said she did not want people " breaking rocks" in chain gangs, as in some parts of the USA …. but visibly doing something useful.

In typical style the “floating” of this nonsensical idea of “uniforms” is…according to a Home Office spokesman “an idea,” not a firm policy proposal.

Chris Stanley Head of Policy for the National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (Nacro), dismissed the idea, which he said could cause vigilante action.

Mr Stanley added: "There's no evidence from anywhere that this type of thing has any deterrent effect."

The government feels it is empowered after the election to do more about “yobbish” behaviour and "disrespect".

This week the Queen will read a speech that is “rumoured” to include several measures to crackdown on violent crime. New measures will deal with binge drinking, give schools the "right" to search pupils for weapons, and propose giving community groups and parish councils the power to apply for Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs).

Pics show Maricopa County chain female inmates on chain gang duty in Phoenix, Arizona October 21, 2003. Padlocked together by the ankle and marched military style the women are marched to a van to be transported to their work site. Women volunteer for chain gang duty to get out of lockdown, where 4 prisoners are shut in a cell 8' x 12' , 23 hours day. 30 days on the chain gang , picking up trash, weeding or burying bodies, they can get out of the punishment cell.


Blogger Myron on planet Earth said...

Yes. Let's hound all ythe kids away from everywhere they can socialise. Actually, let's have a law that makes it a office punishable my a prison term. Let's lost lock away all the kids.

Me thinks that the law makers of this couuntry are using the film Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bany as the template to control children and hound them off the streets.

Makes you wonder ahy kids are behaving like they are. Could they be rebelling because their freedom of movement is being curtailed?

Sure, some kids and gangs need to be controlled, but a blanket ban that punishes the kids that have done nothing wrong is going way to far.

5:02 PM  

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